Uptime Monitoring
& Status Pages

Easy & reliable monitoring solution.

  • 6 notification integrations
  • Versatile & tracked status pages
Uptime track your websites, servers and ports availability with ease.
Keep track of your Cron jobs and make sure they are actually running.
Monitor domain names expiration dates and SSL certificates.
Get notified when your domain DNS changes, track with ease.

Server monitors

Keep track of your resources on your Linux servers.

CPU usage and load
RAM usage
Disk usage
Custom usage alerts

Status pages

Display your monitor's stats transparently and beautifully to your visitors.

Visitors & pageviews analytics
Password protected
Lightweight, fast & SEO optimized
Advanced analytics & customizable pages


Get notified instantly when checks fail.

Custom failed checks triggers
Multiple channels at once
Understand why it failed
Leave notes for the incidents

12 useful tools

Web utility tools. Fast, reliable and easy to use.

DNS Lookup

Find A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, TXT, SOA DNS records of a host.

IP Lookup

Get approximate IP details.

SSL Lookup

Get all possible details about an SSL certificate.

Whois Lookup

Get all possible details about a domain name.


Ping a website, server or port.

Meta tags checker

Get & verify the meta tags of any website.

Website hosting checker

Get the web-host of a given website.

HTTP headers lookup

Get all the HTTP headers that an URL returns for a typical GET request.

HTTP/2 Checker

Check whether a website is using the new HTTP/2 protocol or not.

URL redirect checker

Check for 301 & 302 redirects of a specific URL. It will check for up to 10 redirects.

Reverse IP Lookup

Take an IP and try to look for the domain/host associated with it.

Brotli Checker

Check whether a website is using the Brotli Compression algorithm or not.

We did 67,830 checks for a total of 20 monitors.

We also host 9 status pages.
Multiple locations
We check your monitors from multiple locations around the world.
Custom HTTP requests
Request method, request body, basic auth & custom request headers.
Custom HTTP responses
Set & expect a certain response from your monitors.
Beautiful email notifications
Get instant notifications when your tracked services go up or down.
Easiest way to categorize your managed resources.

Get notified with ease

Countless notification integrations for all your needs.

Microsoft Teams

Answers for your common questions

All the FAQ section can be edited from the admin panel - languages section.

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Get started

Track the uptime of your servers & display their stats on a status page.


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网站运行时间监控:确保您的在线业务全天候可用 在当今高度互联的世界中,无论是电子商务平台还是企业官网,网站的可用性都是其成功的关键因素之一。一次意外的宕机不仅会损失潜在的销售额,还可能损害品牌声誉。因此,实施有效的网站运行时间监控变得尤为重要。本文将介绍网站运行时间监控的重要性,以及如何选择和实施适合您需求的监控方案。 为什么需要监控网站运行时间? 网站运行时间监控(也称为Uptime监控)是衡量网站或在线服务在预定时间内是否正常运行的一种方法。这种监控对于各种规模的企业来说都是必不可少的,因为它可以帮


开头: 除了确保您的网站或应用程序始终处于在线状态外,Uptime监控还可以作为改善整体性能的强大工具。通过持续监控和分析数据,您可以发现潜在的问题点并采取预防措施避免未来的停机时间。本文将探讨如何有效地使用Uptime监控数据来提高网站速度,减少加载时间,并最终提升用户体验。 以上是三个不同的角度来撰写关于Uptime监控的文章。每篇文章都可以围绕其核心主题展开详细讨论,包括具体的案例研究、最佳实践和技术细节等。如果您需要更详细的全文,请告诉我具体需求。